Titli Nihaan biography.

If you like Titli Nihaan recipes, read this about who she is.TitliNihaanPic

When and where were you born?

I was born in Birmingham, UK, in the 60s. My father was an engineer and my mother was an office worker. My maternal grandmother loved to bake cakes. I use some of her recipes.

What did you eat during your childhood?

Meat and two vegetables, Marmite sandwiches… Then I discovered foreign food at Italian and Chinese restaurants.

Are you a Muslim?

I do not come from a religious family. In 2008, after personal events, I converted to Islam. I always use halal products in my cooking. I use no pork, pork products or alcohol. I find halal substitutes for haram products in recipes.

Why don’t you specialize in one particular cuisine?

My professional life has taken me to many parts of the world, I have experienced many cultures and cuisines. This is why I don’t rectrict myself to one particular style of cooking.

What is your philosophy on cooking?

I believe that anyone can cook good food. Cooking should be fun and you should experiment with ingredients. Some of the best things you can cook are really easy, very tasty, and cheaper than ready-made food.

If you’re interested read the full version here :


You will find many recipes on her website.

6 thoughts on “Titli Nihaan biography.

    • Hello, this is not Titli Nihaan’s personal blog, it is a language blog where I put all sorts of things. I put extracts from her biography on my blog because I find it interesting and I love her recipes. If you have a question for Titli Nihaan, you should go to her website here : http://titlisbusykitchen.com/about and ask her! Have a nice day.

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