Goldfish gets brain surgery to remove a tumour

▶ Fish and Snips: Australian Goldfish Surgery Goes “Swimmingly Well” – YouTube.

A vet has performed intricate surgery on a dying goldfish in Australia which was suffering from a life-threatening head tumour.

The 10-year-old goldfish, named George, was admitted to an animal hospital in Melbourne by its owners, who were “quite attached” to the fish.

Dr Tristan Rich, the vet, said the 45-minute operation on the 80-gram fish had been “quite fiddly”. He had offered the owners the option of attempting to remove the tumour or putting George to sleep; they chose the former.

“The fish was having trouble eating, getting around and he was getting bullied by other fish,” said Dr Rich.

“It was quite a large tumour – we had to scrape it off his skull. When it was all done we woke him up in a clean bucket of water … he came through it swimmingly.”

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