Joe Mangrum’s sand art

“To date I’ve made over 700 sand paintings in New York City as well as in other cities like Chicago, Miami, Detroit, New Orleans, Philadelphia, San Francisco,San Cristobal de las Casas. Its a process of pouring colored sand through my hands for 6-8 hours on average.”

According to a recent interview, Joe sees more in his art than you may think initially:

“Each grain really represents a being or living thing, you know? Metaphorically, then you’ve got billions of living things and they’re all working together to create something beautiful.”

Read more at joe-mangrum-art

on Vimeo

via .

Women are to be respected

Today is International Women’s Day.

Every day, women are harassed in the street simply for being women. In other words: Every time we step out the house, we run the risk of being shouted at, catcalled, or assaulted.

Brooklyn (New York) artist Tatyana Fazlalizadeh is using street art to take a place where women feel uncomfortable and turn it into a place where we cannot be ignored.
women-not for entertainment

women-outfit not invitation
These two posters have a clear message. The first one means that if a woman is wearing a short skirt or a sexy dress, it does not allow men to treat her differently. Her clothes are NOT an invitation to strangers to approach her or make comments!
The second one means that a woman who walks in the street is just a PERSON who walks in the street, she is not there for strange men to look at her or talk to her.