“I want to share this picture with you. Not to get compliments for myself, but to show how special the running/sports community is.
I was the absolute last runner in this 10k race. I had been accompanied by a mountainbiker the whole time. And on the final 500 meter stretch, the whole team who had been supporting all the runners all day gathered around me and gave me an honorary escort to the finish line.
Nobody laughed at me for being too slow. The speaker cheered and called out my name loudly, the crowd clapped and my support team cheered. It was the most amazing moment ever. I have spent so much time being afraid of what other people think.
So much energy wasted on fear of being laughed at. But the running and sports community is an amazing place.
So please, if you’re out there holding back because you’re afraid you’re not fast enough…
Please know that other runners will support you and cheer for you.
Just get out there. Just run!”