Stop using the R-word!


Here is what famous athlete Kasey Studdard has to say about being in Special Education for Learning Disabilities as a child:

“I was teased, ridiculed, and isolated.”

“It wasn’t for a lack of intelligence, but I simply couldn’t comprehend things in the same ways the other kids did.”

“Though I often nodded my head to signal that I understood, I did not.”

“Kids can be very mean…” ““Ha-ha, you’re in the RETARD class now!,” they mocked. “Kasey’s so stupid, they had to kick him out of our class,” they teased.”

“In my early teens, to my surprise, I found that I could do things on the court and on the field that other kids could not. Sports became my salvation.”

“Unfortunately, I couldn’t live solely on sports fields. That meant years and years of remedial coursework, time spent before and after school, and countless late nights just to keep up. My mother always made sure the work got done — and for that I will be eternally grateful.”

“it wasn’t the hard work that impacted me most growing up. It was the other students, my special education classmates — the ones with severe mental and physical disabilities who had it far worse than I did — who taught me more about life than any lesson plan ever could. For them, the struggle wasn’t just about self-esteem or fitting in or being “normal,” it was about survival itself.”

“That’s why I have always stood up for the less-fortunate.”

“Whenever I saw a disabled or disadvantaged child at one of our training camps, I would always take time to greet them with a smile and a hug, and to ask how they were doing .”

“I was one of the lucky ones — with sports providing salvation just in time — but everyone deserves an opportunity to shine.”


Here is a video showing how the R-word (“retarded”) can be as offensive as any other insult against minorities.

You can take the pledge to stop using this mean word!


Plus-sized model shows curves look good in Sports Illustrated Magazine

Whereas swimsuits models are usually very slim, this size 14-16 model, Ashley Graham, shows that curvy women can look great in bikinis too. This ad was accepted in the latest issue of Sports Illustrated Magazine. It’s good to see that women can be allowed to show some curves and that all sizes can be beautiful!

▶ Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition features ad with plus-sized model for first time – YouTube.

Please take our survey and help us find out about how people live!

Hello, we are a class of French students from Dreux (one hour from Paris) and we are studying stereotypes and how people from various countries really live.

Could you help us by stating where you live, then answering our questions? That would be awesome! 🙂

First answer three simple questions so we know where you are from:

Then answer a few questions about food and drink:

More questions, about sports:

Questions about personality:

Questions about clothes and fashion:

Questions about the weather:

Questions about personal hygiene (nothing embarrassing! 😉 ):

Thank you so much for completing our survey, it means a lot!

If you want to help us even more, ask your friends to take it too.


Strange spider shoes!

Tarantula-in-Freaky-ShoesThe tarantula shoe is a sky-high platform design that might be a danger to weak ankles, but this scary fashion oddity is the most dangerous shoe in the world for a very different reason; encased in the fashionable item is a live tarantula. Since goldfish shoes went out with the 70s, someone had to come up with a new living shoe design. No word whether or not this fashion might present an animal rights violation or if the tarantula has the ability to be removed. However, there’s no doubting that this scary shoe makes a bold and dangerous fashion statement.

See more at:

World hugging day today!


National Hugging Day is an annual event created by Kevin Zaborney. USA. It occurs on January 21 but is not a public holiday. The day was launched on January 21, 1986 in Clio, Michigan, USA. It has been marked in some other countries under the name of World Hugging Day. The idea of National Hug Day is to encourage everyone to hug family and friends more often, or to hug people you don’t know very well – but ask them first!

Zaborney considered that “American society is embarrassed to show feelings in public” and hoped that a National Hugging Day would change that.

Studies have shown that human contact has many health benefits. It has been found that human contact improves both psychological and physical development.Hugging can also help build a good immune system, decrease the risk of heart disease, and decrease levels of the stress hormone cortisol in women. According to the American Psychosomatic Society, a hug or 10 minutes of holding hands with a romantic partner can help reduce stress, so it is good for your health!

Have you hugged someone today? Go and hug your Mom, your little brother, your best friend, your partner or a friendly neighbor… it’s good for you!