Pastitsio recipe: baked pasta with meat and bechamel

▶ Pastitsio Recipe – Baked Pasta with Meat and Bechamel Topping – YouTube.


500 g (1 lb) macaroni
6 tbsp olive oil
50 g (2 oz) kefalotiri cheese, finely grated
(you can replace this cheese with any ordinary grated cheese)

For the meat sauce

500 g (1 lb) minced beef or lamb
4 tomatoes, peeled, deseeded and chopped
2 large onions, finely chopped
125 ml (4 fl oz) water
6 tbsp olive oil
1 bay leaf

For the Bechamel sauce

750 ml (24 fl oz) milk
100 g (3½ oz) kefalotiri cheese, finely grated
3 eggs
60 g (2 oz) butter
60 g (2 oz) plain flour
¼ tsp nutmeg

Hugging experiment

▶ Jung von Matt/Limmat: Pro Infirmis Get closer. – YouTube.

When this handicapped man, Fabian, rides on the bus, some people will not want to sit next to him. When he wears a bear costume everyone wants to hug him…

What they are saying in this campaign is: get closer, don’t be afraid of handicapped people, everyone should be able to get hugs without a disguise!

70 years later, 93 year old paratrooper jumps again in Normandy!

This paratrooper was 23 when he jumped over Normandy for D-Day 70 years ago…

Today he relived his part in this historic moment when he did his last jump over the same Normandy ground.

Hear about it and watch his jump here:

video -> 70 years later, D-Day paratrooper jumps again / National News.

paratrooper 23

Aged 23

paratrooper 93

Aged 93

paratrooper jumps

Parachuting at 93 years old!

Obama pays tribute to D-Day veterans in Normandy

President Barack Obama paid poetic tribute to the men who breached “Hitler’s Wall” and stormed ashore to liberate Europe on D-Day, at Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial in Colleville-sur-Mer.

Mr Obama said: “Fresh faced G.I.s rubbed trinkets, kissed pictures of sweethearts, checked and re-checked their equipment. ‘God,’ asked one, ‘Give me guts.’

“And in the pre-dawn hours, planes rumbled down runways, riders and paratroopers slipped through the sky, giant screws began to turn on an Armada that looked more like ships than sea. And more than 150,000 souls set off towards this tiny sliver of sand upon which hung more than the fate of a war, but rather the course of human history.

He added: “I am honoured to return here today to pay tribute to the men and women of a generation who defied every danger, among them are veterans of D-Day, and gentlemen we are truly humbled by your presence here today.”

Video: Obama pays moving tribute to D-Day veterans – Telegraph.