The spoon trick – to escape forced marriages and sex trafiking

The “metal spoon technique” involves a victim tucking a metal spoon in their underwear before going through airport security to trigger the metal detectors. Doing so will result in the individual being taken away for a detailed search, giving them the opportunity to raise the alarm in a safe and private manner if they are being forced to leave the country against their will.


Boys speaking up for their sisters with Down Syndrome

When their house got spray-painted with hate grafiti, this family reacted to make people understand that their handicapped girls are NOT “retards”, an ugly word that we must stop to use…
If their story moved you, please click this link to go and pledge not to use that word yourself.

The Hollis Boys, 6 and 7, “Speaking up for our sisters” with Down Syndrome – YouTube.

“Not in my name” Muslims say

A group of young British Muslims have joined the fight back against Islamic State militants with a video and social media campaign.

After the murder of David Haines and kidnapping of Alan Hemming, the East London-based group Active Change Foundation decided to voice their anger.

They set up the #notinmyname campaign to spread the word that British Muslims reject IS, its ideology and actions and to show that IS do not represent the Islamic faith or the Muslim community.

Hanif Qadir, founder of ACF. said: “The murder of an innocent man has no justification in any religion or walk of life.

“These terrorists ISIS are not true Muslims, they do not practice the true teachings of Islam; peace, mercy and compassion, and they are the enemy of all mankind.”

via ▶ Not in my Name – Muslims against ISIS – YouTube.