Girl with autism tells her story

Megan-autism story“My name is Meghan.
We didn’t find out that I had autism until I was 18 years old. My parents always suspected that there was something different about me. I wasn’t social with kids my own age, I had an obsession with science (particularly astronomy), was very uncomfortable around lots of people, and loud noises easily overwhelmed me. I grew up thinking that I was a freak because none of the kids liked me. I had a difficult time socializing properly, and I had absolutely no friends. The only people who ever showed up to my birthday parties were family members.

I was bullied my entire life. Kids told me that I was weird, a freak, that I deserved to die, etc. When I was 12 I attempted suicide because I was so distressed over the bullying. I continued to wonder why I didn’t fit in no matter what I tried. I would study the popular kids and try to learn how to act like them, but it would never work. This continued through high school. During my senior year, my parents and I found out that I had a form of high functioning autism. That changed everything. I was resistant to the diagnosis at first, because I was hoping that my issues were just a phase I was going through, but the diagnosis meant that I would live with these struggles for my entire life.

I am now a junior in college studying forensic science. I have managed to accept my diagnosis and have been able to make some amazing friends who don’t care that I have autism. I am on track to achieve my dream of being a scientist. My autism does not keep me from being intelligent or pursuing a career in science. In fact, it makes my brain better equipped for handling scientific thought.

If I could tell young kids anything, it would be that autism can’t stop you from achieving your dreams. It only makes you more special and passionate about your dream. Keep on dreaming and working hard and you will achieve!”
Cedarville, OH

If you want to read more stories of hope from people with autism click here: The autism site – stories of hope

What happens when you drink milk after Coke…

when you drink a little soda after drinking a glass of milk, you’ll be disgusted to see what happens in your stomach. Ugh. So gross!
First, you start out with simple ingredients: Coke and Milk.
Here only a small amount of milk is poured into the Coke bottle.
Now we let it sit for 6 hours.
And after waiting we’re left with this.
The top clearly looks like gross dirty water.
And the bottom looks like the dirty sand at the beach.
This is what happens in your stomach when you drink Coke after drinking milk…
Isn’t it disgusting? Maybe you should stop drinking Coke!

Optical illusion – hallucination

WARNING: If you suffer from photosensitive epilepsy, please do not view this video.

Look only at the letters in the center of the video.

If you follow the video’s instructions, when you look away you will continue to see wavy lines in your wall or on the floor. This happens due to an optical illusion that is the result of repeated psychological stimulation. When the video ends and you look away, your brain still expects to see the waves, and therefore it creates them for you. Saying the letters out loud doesn’t really play a role, it just ensures that you are focusing on the center of the screen, where you can best receive the stimulus.

For best results, view the video full screen on an HD display. The resultant hallucination is temporary and should wear off within a couple of minutes.


▶ ▶ Eye – Optical illusion – YouTube.

Optical illusions

There are many optical illusions, both natural and man-made, that can trick your brain… every time. The visual illusions are characterized by visually perceived images that differ from objective reality. The information your eyes gather doesn’t match the source in some way, causing a major (awesome) headache.

There are three main types of illusions: “literal optical illusions that create images that are different from the objects that make them, physiological ones that are the effects on the eyes and brain of excessive stimulation of a specific type (brightness, colour, size, position, tilt, movement), and cognitive illusions, the result of unconscious inferences.”

These 2 blocks are the same color. … … Cover the line with your finger to check.


Stare at the cross for 10 seconds … … the purple dots disappear. 
optical-illusion-dots disappear
That’s not a bird. … … It’s a painted woman.
optical-illusions-woman parrot

When you are crying…

This photo series by Rose-Lynn Fisher captures tears of grief, joy, laughter and irritation under the microscope.

The tears from your eyes aren’t just water. They’re primarily made up of water, salts, antibodies and lysozymes, but the composition depends on the type of tear. There are three main types – basal tears, reflex tears, and weeping tears.

As you can see, they can look incredibly different when evaporated and placed under a microscope.

More info:

Images by Rose-Lynn Fisher, via the Smithsonian Magazine and ScienceAlert.


Vocabulary :

tears : when you are sad and you cry, tears come out of your eyes.
grief : strong sadness